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Eve Wormhole Mapper is written in C# using ASP.NET Core Blazor Server, EF Core, SignalR, and utilizes several third-party components, particularly:



We recommend using a domain name ( with public DNS for easy and consistent access.

Register your app with CCP

Eve-whmapper requires CCP's SSO authentication API to use the ESI API. Register your app at

  1. Click the "MANAGE APPLICATIONS" button.
  2. Click the "CREATE NEW APPLICATION" button.
  3. Choose a name for your installation (e.g., prod eve-whmapper).
  4. Enter a description for this installation (e.g., Eve Wormhole Mapper on production).
  5. Change "CONNECTION TYPE" to "Authentication & API Access".
  6. Add the minimum required "PERMISSIONS" (scopes):
    • esi-location.read_location.v1
    • esi-location.read_ship_type.v1
    • esi-ui.open_window.v1
    • esi-ui.write_waypoint.v1
    • esi-search.search_structures.v1
  7. Set your "CALLBACK URL" (e.g.,
  8. Click the "CREATE APPLICATION" button.
  9. Copy the Client ID, Secret Key, and Callback URL for use in the next configuration step.


EVE WHMapper can be installed using Docker or Kubernetes. Choose the installation method that best suits your environment.

Deploy with Docker & Compose

Deploying the Eve Wormhole Mapper using Docker and Compose is straightforward, especially if you follow these steps for your server and Docker setup.


We recommend using a Linux server with the Debian OS for optimal performance and support. If you prefer to use a different operating system, you will need to write your own init script or manually configure the necessary files (see the list below).


Before proceeding, ensure Docker is installed on your system. Follow the appropriate instructions for your operating system:

Get Docker-Compose Template

  1. Navigate to your desired installation location.
  2. Clone the Eve-Whmapper repository. It is recommended to install in /opt/ for Linux or a suitable directory for Windows.
sudo git clone
cd eve-whmapper/deploy/docker
git clone
cd eve-whmapper/deploy/docker


Configuring Eve-Whmapper is simplified through the initialization script. Run the following script as a sudo or root user on Linux, or as an Administrator on Windows, and follow the on-screen instructions:

sudo ./

This script automatically:

  • Updates all the configurations (docker-compose.yml, haproxy.cfg, nginx.conf) from your response,
  • Initializes all Docker containers,
  • Creates, adds, and uses a strong certificate to use HTTPS with your domain.

Start and Stop

To manage the Docker containers, use the provided scripts:

  • To Start all containers: Use the script as a sudo or root user.
sudo ./
  • To Stop all containers: Use the script as a sudo or root user.
sudo ./
  • To Start all containers: Use the start.ps1 script as an Administrator.
  • To Stop all containers: Use the stop.ps1 script as an Administrator.


If you encounter any issues or need assistance, please ask for help on our GitHub repository.